All Labour in Vain – planning refused.

The Parish Council has just been notified that planning application TWC/2014/0788 has been refused.

TWC/2014/0788 All Labour in Vain, Wellington Road, Horsehay. Erection of 10 dwellings and conversion of a barn into a dwelling.

Proposal: Erection of 10 dwellings and conversion of a barn into a dwelling ***AMENDED PLANS AND INFORMATION RECEIVED***
Location : All Labour in Vain, Wellington Road, Horsehay, Telford, TF4 2PU

Telford & Wrekin Council HEREBY REFUSE FULL PLANNING PERMISSION for the development proposed by you as shown on the application form, plan(s) and supporting document(s) for the following reason(s):

1. The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposed development by virtue of the layout and design, fails to address Wellington Road, the footpath fronting the site and A5223. Consequently the proposal fails to reinforce local distinctiveness or create a distinctive sense of place, the character and appearance of this urban location, the existing street patterns and traditional frontages, and would appear incongruous in the streetscene. The proposal is therefore contrary to ‘Saved’ policies UD2 and H6 in the Wrekin Local Plan, CS15 of the Core Strategy and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework

2. The site is subject to a slope whereby a number of retaining walls are proposed, where it is necessary to ensure that development will not have an impact upon the integrity of the site and surrounding area. A completed Slope Stability Declaration Form for the site is therefore required prior to determination of any proposed development. As this information has not been provided, the Local Planning Authority has insufficient information to determine the application and considers the application to be contrary to ‘saved’ policy EH14 Land Stability of the Wrekin Local Plan1995 – 2006, and paragraph 120 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

3. The proposal would result in a level of development whereby contributions towards education facilities and off site leisure and recreation facilities are required. The applicant has failed to provide a Draft S106 agreement to provide the necessary contributions nor provided any financial viability information to justify any reduced contributions. Accordingly the proposal is contrary to ‘saved polices’ H22, OL12, LR6 and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in accordance with Wrekin Local Plan policies and the National Planning Policy Framework in determining this application by identifying matters of concern with the proposal and raising those with the applicant/agent. However, in this case it has not been possible to arrive at a satisfactory resolution for the reasons set out in the reason for refusal.
This decision notice was issued by Telford & Wrekin Council on the 02/03/2015

Full details of the refusal can be downloaded from the Borough Council’s website.