Proposed Horsehay development site

The Parish Council has received the following communication from Mr, Kevin Webb of Bournville Village Trust:

Please see the attached newsletter for advice on works planned to start on site later this week – the first part of the habitat enhancement and the construction of some of the required hibernacula, with associated planting of trees and shrubs.

The newsletter will be posted to properties on Woodhouse Lane, Wellington Road and Myford where of course numerous properties back onto the proposed development area.

I’ll also send copies to my colleagues at this office and to the Lightmoor Village Community Group and others. As the works aren’t really visible for most of the Village residents I wasn’t going to do a wider posting than this, but the advice should be on the web and social media

There is as yet no firm programme for the remaining ecology works relating to site fencing and clearance of protected species under the licence from Natural England, but I shall let people know of such further operations when possible.

Kevin Webb
Project Director