Agenda for the October 2019 meeting of the Parish Council

1 Welcome The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies for Absence To receive apologies.
3 Declarations of Interest and Dispensation Requests Councillors were reminded that they should declare any pecuniary interest in matters to be discussed at the meeting which are not included in the register of interests.
4 Public Session To receive any reports from members of the public on current matters relating to the parish.
5 Minutes To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on the 18th September 2019.
6 David Wilson Homes (DWH) Development, Doseley To discuss the latest developments regarding the DWH development second access.
7 Integrated Community Management (ICM)/PSCO Scheme To receive reports relating to this scheme.
8 Councillors Reports To receive any reports from Councillors on current matters relating to the parish.
9 Local Initiatives a) Bridge Road and Horsehay Pool Development i.  To consider the updated Bridge Road project plan ii. To consider Horsehay Pool developments and issues
b) Dawley Hamlets Local Nature Reserve (DHLNR) i.  To consider the requirement for litter bins on DHLNR ii. To receive an update from the Friends of DHLNR group.
10 Parish Matters: a) To select a new website provider
11 Planning Applications:  To consider planning applications and permissions.
To be tabled
12 Finance & Administration: a) To approve the monthly receipts and payments. b) To approve the monthly budget report and bank reconciliation. c) To consider the budget for 2020/21
To be tabled To be tabled To be tabled
13 Correspondence
14 Items for the next agenda To agree items for the next meeting agenda.
15 Date of the next meeting – Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 7.00pm at Horsehay Village Hall.