Dog Fouling

On the 17th July the Borough Council will be launching a dog fouling awareness campaign and with the local Street Champions, they aim to complete the identification and monitoring of incidents within specific areas. This will be timed to be in conjunction with the school holidays,

Something they have trialled successfully, is to spray dog fouling yellow on a daily basis and record the number of incidents per day, initially for a period of 4 weeks. The Street Champions in our Parish have identified areas using their local knowledge and where they feel there is a particular problem. They have volunteered to undertake this work.

For info, I have included the maps of the areas the Street Champions have chosen below.

In high incidence areas the Borough Council will install the “we are watching you” signage to enhance the message. At the end of each week it is proposed that the identified piles will be cleaned up for monitoring to re-commence the following day. The Borough have found this ‘mark up’ approach has successfully raised awareness and has reduced the number of incidents over the period of time.

During this campaign, the Borough will be highlighting through the Councils social media where free dog fouling bags can be collected from. They will also be encouraging residents to report fouling and any other issues within their local environment through the My Telford and Everyday Telford electronic channels.

During September and October the Borough Council also hope to have been successful in our application to work with Keep Britain Tidy and the Dogs Trust in there big Scoop Campaign which will act as a further reminder as the nights begin to close in.

Telford’s Shropshire Wildlife Trust volunteers

The Wrekin Forest Volunteers, Telford’s Shropshire Wildlife Trust volunteers, are holding their third Telford Wildlife Forum of 2017 at 7:30pm on Tuesday 25 July at Horsehay Village Hall, Bridge Road, Horsehay, Telford, TF4 2NF when we are having an illustrated talk ‘The Nature of Wyre’ by Rosemary Winnall, naturalist and co-author of book ‘The Nature of Wyre – a wildlife rich forest in the heart of Britain’, and which will be a celebration of it’s fabulous wildlife.

There will also be a round-up of local conservation news.

Entrance is £2 for Shropshire Wildlife Trust members and £3 for non-members, which includes free coffee, tea and biscuits.

This promises to be a very interesting evening and it would be greatly appreciated if you would publicise the event for us.

For further details see attached poster or contact Stephen Mitchell – 01952 590820 / 07842 137410 or Rob Doran – 01952 407021 / 07926 387733.

Land between Walkers News & Village Stores/29, Woodhouse Lane, Horsehay


The Parish Council has received notification of the following planning appeal:


Land between Walkers News & Village Stores/29, Woodhouse Lane, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire,

Outline application for the erection of 2no. dwellings with all matters reserved


Please Note

Dawley Hamlets Parish Council is NOT the Planning Authority; this is the function of The Borough Council. The view of the Parish Council does not carry any extra weight (over and above any other resident) nor is it guaranteed to be taken into account when any decision is made by the Borough Council. The Parish Council is simply invited, by the Borough Council, to give its views on planning applications. If a planning application affects you, or you have a view which you wish to be taken into consideration by the Planning Officers of the Borough Council then it is important that you convey that opinion directly to the relevant authority (which is Telford and Wrekin Council). The Parish Council is unable to “pass on” the views of others to the Planning Authority but it may take into account the views of residents of the Parish when deciding upon its own position on any particular application.

Temporary Road Closure Castlefields Way

Please find attached information that outlines the traffic management arrangements for a temporary road closure along Castlefields Way, Aqueduct.

Telford and Wrekin Council are planning to undertake highways improvement works. The work is set to commence on Monday, 7th August 2017 and will last for a duration of 23 days with an end date of Tuesday, 29 August 2017.

There are 3 phases to this closure the diversion routes will be signed on site according to the phase.

Should you have any questions or comments on the above, please do not hesitate to contact:

Dawn Ward
Permits Officer – Streetworks
Highways, Transport & Engineering Service
Neighbhourhood & Customer Services
Telford & Wrekin Council
Addenbrooke House
Ironmasters Way
Tel: 01952 384000

12 Bridge Road, Horsehay

The Parish Council has received notification of the following planning application:


12 Bridge Road, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire, TF4 2NF

Erection of a two storey front, rear and side extension with associated balcony, remodelling of existing roof, erection of a single storey detached garage and 1.8m high fence.

Please Note

Dawley Hamlets Parish Council is NOT the Planning Authority; this is the function of The Borough Council. The view of the Parish Council does not carry any extra weight (over and above any other resident) nor is it guaranteed to be taken into account when any decision is made by the Borough Council. The Parish Council is simply invited, by the Borough Council, to give its views on planning applications. If a planning application affects you, or you have a view which you wish to be taken into consideration by the Planning Officers of the Borough Council then it is important that you convey that opinion directly to the relevant authority (which is Telford and Wrekin Council). The Parish Council is unable to “pass on” the views of others to the Planning Authority but it may take into account the views of residents of the Parish when deciding upon its own position on any particular application.

Horsehay Roundabout

The Borough Council will be carrying out a reconstruction scheme on Horsehay Roundabout, Horsehay to improve the condition of the highway in this area, the scheme is planned to start on the 14th August 2017.