Planning Applications

The Parish Council will be discussing the following planning matters at its next meeting:

TWC/2015/0255 Site of Adamson House, Bridge Road, Horsehay. Erection of four terraced dwellings and erection of six apartments following demolition of Adamson house with associated parking and landscaping.

TWC/2014/0998 Land adjacent Windermere House, Farm Lane, Horsehay. Erection of 13 dwellings with associated parking, access and drainage.

TWC/2015/0159 35 Jarman Drive, Horsehay. Erection of a single storey rear extension.

TWC/2014/0559 Woodlands Farm, Woodlands Lane, Horsehay. Conversion of existing agricultural buildings into four dwellings.

TWC/2014/1140 35 Fellows Close, Little Dawley. Two storey side and single storey rear extension.

Please note that the Parish Council is only able to express a view on these applications. If you, as a resident of the Parish, have a view then it should be submitted in writing to the appropriate planning officer.